• This morning I woke up with some morning wood as usual and then wore my soft cotton girly panties with a white lace waistband to work. After work I took a nap dreaming about the time I will one day not lie in bed or wake up with an erection alone anymore.

    I wore my black lace panties overnight:

    Then I put on my pink panties for work:

    This was me taking a nap today:


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  • New Pics! My Smooth Soapy Ass!

    Just wanted to share some new pixies of my ass after shaving it smooth, taking a shower and getting it all soapy! What do you think? Kisses!


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  • Every day now at my lunch break I service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I work. He'll always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I work in the parking garage connected to the building this 50-something rich, handsome, budding attorney has an office in, doing cleaning, maintenance, and customer service which mostly entailed finding people a parking space or finding their cars if they get lost. This is how this came be.



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  • Sissy Femboy Lying in Bed Waiting for You

    Now you can subscribe!


    Why subscribe when you can see all this for free? Well, for one thing you'd help me continue to do this and upload and publish new pics, videos and blog posts more regularly, and secondly, you'll get some benefits. Benefits include:


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